Coming Home. Two words that mean so much. Home. What is it? Home could just be shelter to protect yourself from rain or snow. Home could be just another place to eat and sleep. But to some people, home is much more than that. To some people, home is a one syllable word that makes them happy every time they hear it. It's the only place you feel truly safe. And sometimes, to some people, home is the only place they feel they belong. Of course, there are those who get worried, mad, or sad when they hear the word home. Some people feel scared and endangered in their home. And to some people, they feel like every time they come home, they definitely do not belong. Me, I'm one of those people who feel like nothing will be the same as home other than my home. A home suited for me (based on what makes it feel like home) is a place for my family and I to live, and a place where I can go to if I have issues at school or anywhere else. I think the main factors that determine if I can consider this structure of brick as my home contains all these things. They are the people living inside it. I need to live in a place that contains my family, and a place with people who are always available for me to talk to if I have any issues at school or anywhere else. It took me only 1 month and a half to get used to my new house surprisingly.

3/28/2013 03:41:47 am

Really great blog. In my opinion, this is the greatest blog I have ever read from a high school student. Keep up the great work

5/10/2013 04:32:14 am

If you had to listen to the same song every day for 2 hours, that means that if we're going to the place yesterday you're not going to meet me?


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